PPC for Lawyers, Strategies for Guaranteed Success 

Let’s face it. Today everything happens online. This applies to many businesses, but it is especially true when discussing lawyer services. A lawyer’s potential customers’ first instinct will always be to search for them online. This is one of the reasons why, more than anyone, law firms need a comprehensive marketing strategy to translate those leads into actual customers. In this blog, we wanted to introduce you to PPC for Lawyers and how it benefits your marketing efforts.

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What Is PPC for Lawyers?

PPC (Pay-per-click) is a type of paid advertising approach. They come in many shapes: images, videos, text, or a mix of them, and can be shown on social media platforms, search engines, and websites. What is essentially great about PPC is the amazing profit you can make off it, let’s say you paid $2 for the click that ends up being a $500 client. There are many PPC platforms, but the most popular one is Google Ads. Let us explain how it works.

Google Ads in PPC for Lawyers

Google Ads allows its customers to create different types of ads that will later be shown on their search engine and other Google apps. Every time there’s a search, Google chooses a few ads from its database and showcases them at the top of its search results, it looks something like this:

In this case, we searched for legal services in Houston, Texas and Google chose 3 ads that matched this keyword.

So, how does Google pick out which ads are going to be shown? There are a lot of elements that come into play, but the most important aspect has to do with the quality and relevance of both the keywords and your ad campaign.

👉 Check out our blog 3 *Key* Ways to Reduce Your Law Firm’s Google Ads Spending —and Increase Leads! 👈

How Can I Create an Effective PPC for Lawyers Campaign?

So, you have decided to embark on a campaign. PPC for lawyers can be a rewarding marketing asset if performed correctly. But, what are the main features you should consider? 

1️⃣ Take your time with keyword research 

Keyword research can be extremely time-consuming (tell us about it 😅) but it is the structure of your whole PPC campaign. Not only choosing the right keywords but constantly updating and growing your keywords list. You have to make sure that your keywords are:

  • Suitable to the legal industry and the services that you offer.
  • Comprehensive, be as specific as possible. Those keywords are less common and less competitive. 
  • Don’t be afraid of being reiterative. You will find that most of your keywords are similar, but they will change and evolve over time. 

 2️⃣ Oversee your PPC for Lawyers Campaign 

 As we said before, a good PPC for Lawyers campaign requires effort. Reviewing, updating, and editing your campaign is key. What should you look for?

  • Negative keywords: Those are the keywords that YOU DO NOT WANT your ad to appear for.
  • Expensive keywords: They may not be efficient enough and could add to your PPC budget.
  • Your content and landing pages: Make sure your content keywords match the ones of your PPC campaign. 

Does PPC for Lawyers Work?

 If you are diligent and give the necessary attention to it, a PPC campaign can do wonders for your law firm. If it is your first time trying to set up your campaign, you may feel discouraged given the many options available. You can check out Google’s educational resources on Google Ads. It will take some time, but it will be very rewarding in the long run!

Need Help With Your PPC for Lawyers Campaign? 

At Alpha Co, we specialize in marketing for lawyers and law firms. Our mission is to create the perfect marketing campaign to get your business both practical solutions and clients. We offer comprehensive strategies to maximize your businesses’ inbound leads, and sales and increase your profit.

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